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Major depression & suicide in older adults

This presentation will discuss self-harm and suicide in older adults, with a focus on practical aspects such as risk and protective factors, assessment and management.

This presentation will discuss self-harm and suicide in older adults, with a focus on practical aspects such as risk and protective factors, assessment and management. There will also be some consideration of the evidence for approaches to aftercare (coordinated follow-up after self-harm), service provision, and education and training. 


Associate Professor
Ajay Macharouthu

Associate Professor Macharouthu is a Staff Specialist in Psychiatry for Older Persons at Cairns & Hinterland Hospital & Health Services, where he also serves as ECT Director and Director of Training. He is an adjunct at James Cook University and Deputy Chair of the QDAF Network.

Associate Professor
Anne Wand

Associate Professor Wand is a consultant psychiatrist and senior staff specialist with Older Peoples’ Mental Health in Sydney Local Health District. She holds adjunct positions at the University of Sydney and the University of New South Wales, and leads Mental Health Research. Her PhD research focused on self-harm and suicide in older adults.

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