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Geriatric Seminar Series

A free seminar series featuring researchers and clinicians from a range of disciplines.

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International and local experts will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research, best practices, and innovative strategies in the management of low-energy trauma in older adults

List of recordings

17 July 2024

Moving from tickbox to genuine consumer engagement

10 April 2024

Major depression & suicide in older adults

25 October 2023

Research & development in Australia’s aged care program

21 June 2023

Improving Hospital Outcomes for Frail Patients

19 April 2023

Managing medications in frail patients

15 February 2023

Falls and injury prevention

Tweets from @AusFrailty​

We are excited to hear from @DrEHGordon and @David_D_Ward on August 21st about their BMJ paper. Full details and RSVP via - https://www.afn.org.au/frailty-nexus/behind-the-evidence-a-critical-analysis-of-our-research/

hello, @angeline_mcts and I are preparing for a Front Door Frailty service. We’ve read all the evidence and @GeriSoc documents but would love to speak to those who’ve been down this road and its challenges

We can be contacted via dm and then email

@AusFrailty @anzsgm

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Low Energy Trauma

International and local experts will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research, best practices, and innovative strategies in the management of low-energy trauma in older adults

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